Hello readers! Over the last few weeks, the Epistle reading (second reading) has been coming from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. We began in the first half of chapter 12 hearing about spiritual gifts, and the next week about different members of the body, with Paul leaving a cliffhanger for the end of chapter […]
Category: The Pastors Desk
On The New Year
Happy New Year everybody! 2021 is over, and 2022 is set to begin. As many do around this time of year, we think about everything that has happened over the past year and all that is to come in the upcoming year. So as you reflect over the past year, how do you feel? Did […]
Advent 2021
It is the end of the year again! No doubt it is a crazy time of year for everyone. Thanksgiving just wrapped up and Christmas is right around the corner, not to mention all of the other “year’s end” things that you have to do. However, while it is the end of the calendar year, […]